Sparking Jewish discovery in early childhood through imaginative play and immersive theater.

Bring Jewish tradition to life in your school or family program through theatrical play and imagination.

Jewish Holiday stories become interactive theater adventures with K’ilu Kits

Shabbat ignites wonder through multi-sensory storytelling and music in Ark Adventures

Torah jumps off the page through hands-on creative activities with Let There Be Play

When children and families in your community experience Jewish tradition k'iluas if – they are inside the story, magic happens. Our proven tools and methodology help you create immersive, joy-filled experiences that strengthen Jewish connection and learning.

Interested in inspiring your educators to use theater and play to activate Jewish tradition with children and families?

We offer a range of hands-on, participatory workshops that offer a range of techniques and strategies that your educators can use to bring any Jewish story to life with young children through theatrical play and sensory discovery.

Our National and Local Partners Include: